Sunday, December 6, 2009

Connection Built on Lies!

How can you have a connection with somebody if you kno at the end of the day it was all built on lies.
You see alot of people walk in and out of your life but it takes that one person that comes in ya life and walks out to change your whole look of things and when you really move on the connection you have with the new person is really a lie because you kno at the end of the day your heart allies in somebody else hands and it's kinda like what can you possibly do if the other person and you just cant work it out and it's not that they don't want you or love you it's just that they don't need you because when their heart fell you was the wrong person that picked it up.
So it was like yall was happy with each other but at the end of the day the person who as now took your heart and held it was wanting somebody else so it was just a taking problem that could never be solved or figured out like you was sitting there stuck on a equation and from then on you was doing the same thing somebody was doin to you and never could seem to stop it or let it go.
And when you think about it it's kinda like how do you kno how many hearts are in your hands that fell but the person never let go..
then actually sit there and think have you been doin the same thing moving on but not lettin go of your past knowin that the connection you had with the new person wasnt even strong it was just lies told over and over with them three words (i love you) but in ya head and heart you kno u was wantin to feel and hear it coming from the one that you can really love back and be in love with but i guess you can't always have what you want cuz if you could do you know how many people would be happy today ?
So just do me a favor if you kno ya heart allies in somebody else hands dont move on and have somebody catch the same sickness and pain that you have been goin through cuz somebody gave it too you..
just try your best to get the other person back intil you kno it wasnt true so the "Connection Built On Lies"..
Can finally die and save people from havin broken hearts time and time again..

*Copyright 2009

Love is. . .

Love takes time. It needs a history of giving and receiving, laughing
and crying...
Love never promises instant gratification, only ultimate fulfillment.... Read More
Love means believing in someone, in something. It supposes a
willingness to struggle, to work, to suffer, and to rejoice.
Satisfaction and ultimate fulfillment are by-products of dedicated
love. They belong only to those who can reach beyond themselves; to
whom giving is more important than receiving.
Love is doing everything you can to help others build whatever dreams
they have.
Love involves much careful and active listening. It is doing whatever
needs to be done, and saving whatever will promote the other's
happiness, security, and well-being. Sometimes, love hurts.
Love is on a constant journey to what others need. It must be attentive,
caring, and open, both to what others say and to what others cannot
Love says no with empathy and great compassion.
Love is firm, but when needed it must be tender.
When others have tried and failed, love is the hand in yours in your
moments of discouragement and disappointment.
Love is reliable.
Love is a choice and commitment to others' true and lasting happiness.
is dedicated to growth and fulfillment. Love is not selfish.
Love sometimes fails for lack of wisdom or abundance of weakness, but it
forgives, knowing the intentions are good.
Love does not attach conditions....Genuine love is always a free gift.
Love realizes and accepts that there will be disagreements and
emotions...There may be times when miles lay between, but love is a
commitment. It believes and endures things.
Love encourages freedom of self. Love shares positives and negatives
reactions to warm and cold feelings.
Love, intimate love, will never reject others. It is the first to
encourage and the last to condemn.
Love is a commitment to growth, happiness, and fulfillment of one

*Copyright 2009


I just thought I'd put yu on notice that I notice yu and yur lovely thighs and yur beautifully shaped body with the nice brown eyes and I thought I'd metioned that I noticed yu noticing me and I thought I should give yu notice that I noticed yu noticeing me as I noticed yu oh and how I also noticed yur friend and I told my brother so he could noticed yur friend and he thought she could be his bug a boo yu know his yu dnt bug me but can I bug yu boo so yeah I had to let yu know that I noticed the both of you so by me noticing yu noticing me I thought I'd also ask to see if yu noticed how much I was diggin yu diggin that lovely coca cola shaped body that I noticed out of my left eye as me and my brutha notice yu and yur friend which turned out to be yur signifincant other yu see yu were takin at the time and it was blowing my mind at the time bcuz yu see I wanted yu to be mine not the girl walkin behind...yu

*Copyright 2008


Yu see this is untitled this is for my mother one of the most important women in my life the one I have been treatin wrong for so long that one night I was thinking and I realized and finally come to the conclusion that yu mom should be tired and should be done because after I looked back at all the shit I've done and put myself into yur shoes I would have been done a long time ago but no no yu stuck in there all the way to the end through the hard aches and pain from begining to end yu were my bestfriend and even tho we couldn't stand each other at times and even still til this day but at the end of the day yu were my mother and I wouldn't have it any other way becuz yu see as much as I may have hated the oh yu look jus like yur moms or hey little sheelah's I realized that I was a product of yu and yes I do look just like yu except for certain features that I had received from my father whom I jus realized was my dad at age 12 but I'm not going to get
on that becuz this is about my mother the one who carried me for 9 months of labor through the hard aches and pain from begining to end yu were my best friend and even though we can't stand each other at times and even still til this day but at the end of the day yu were my mother and I wouldn't have it any other way yu see mom there is not much I can say becuz the bad def out weighed the good but hey if were going to talk about the good we mine as well talk about the bad like when dad yes dad and I dnt mean sperm donor but daddy who's been there since day 1 through the hard aches and pain from begining to end mom he was yur bestfriend until yu pissed him off and raised his temper to yay high which then turned yur love into heart aches and pains bruises and shame yu tried to cover up the pain but yu couldn't becuz that would be like the sun tryna out do the rain and I kno yur prolli thinkin uggh omg she buggin but this is jus something something that I
thought I'd give yu to let yu kno I do appreciated yu and this is a mothers day gift to yu so I hope I didn't embrass yu
I love yu
Signed yur daughter

*Copyright 2009

Lost Heart!

Sitting here reminising about the day we met when i got all wet behind the ears! Yes I was feeling you and i kind of sort of use to get this weird tingley feeling inside whenever I saw you and even when someone mentioned you its like i had already fallen for you but then I woke up and realized I was dreaming. Was I dreaming of something that was right in front my face or just something to satisfy me for the time being until you came along whoever you might be! It seemed like every time someone came along I was setting myself up for disaster because it ended it with me broken-hearted and her well I'm not to sure what it left her because as my heart was being ripped out of my chest she was already gone! Heart gone, Heart broken I was left HEARTLESS! Being as though i was heartless the remained organs of this lost soul were so cold searching for the missing key to this treasure chest...the heart. But it was too late because this heart was lost forever like the sun in the blistering cold. So bold was she to lie and claim she loved me when really the love was hate! Now with heart in hand awaiting this knight and shinning armor of this somehow weirdly created fairy tale of mines, I began to freeze heart became cold and this story shall be and will be told to those whose hearts were lost stolen and torn apart ripped from chest like bird out of nest! Now this human being this beautifully created creature can never be the same because of the heart that was torn apart and never to be reframed. This heart was lost........forever!

*Copyright 2009

What you can do for me

You wanted to know what you could to for me! Well here it goes; you can just let me love you and take care of you let me mend your wounded heart let me get rid of the ugly scars caused by those who hurt this helpless beautiful soul of yours let me be the one to give you comfort just let me love you to the point of no return! And if that Is too much trouble then don't worry about it I will handle it just promise me that you'll do this one thing for me and Just put me in the part of your life that last forever

*Copyright 2009


With her she had some classses
Ok. . .ok. . .maybe just one class
But she saw her damn near everyday.
Her eyes always seemed to wander
Toward her general way.
Quite the crush had developed;
Within love she was enveloped.
She could of asked her right away,
But didn't have the guts.

If she peered a little left
And tilted her head correctly,
She could face the teacher, yet
Still watch her indirectly.
She was ever a distraction;
She couldn't even do the
Work that was handed to her. . .
All but three words she could say;
She didn't have the guts

Just a single moment needed
Yet many a moments passed.
While unrequited love grew deeper,
Quickly the years elapsed.

They thought their fears to be a crime
And made me write this sappy rhyme,
To warn you all this very day;
You'd better have the guts. . .

*Copyright 2007

Daddy's Little Girl

Kierra got raped the other night
Her vagina is now ripped three centimeters deeper than her pain to prove it
It was so wide that it swallowed her smile
She can't smile to digest joy anymore since the walls of her womb are now covered with miscarried screams that were carried out on the echoes of her voice from that night
Her mother slept peacefully
Like a butterfly resting inside its cocoon, oblivious to the world around it
Because her father was still a caterpillar trying to eat at her leaf
He use to tell her she was as beautiful as a rose
And before that night she use to believe him
just like she use to tuck her hope behind the twinkle in her eyes
that her father use to say always shined like his little star he tucked under the covers
that night Kierra couldn't help but lay delicately
as her petals were plucked of their innocence
each time her father's thorny fingers touched the 12 years of her life
that she now wanted to wilt away
that she wanted to dig up from the roots and bury deeper than the incest that was inside her

She never went to bed thinking that in her wildest dreams her reality would become her worst nightmare
that her father would become the predator and she the prey

She prayed that night
After her father kissed her forehand
with lips that burned as bright as the devils heart
After he told her if she loved her mother she would never tell her about this

So with sickness in her stomach she prayed from her heart,
'now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
and if I die before I wake
I know that God really listens to me when I pray'

That was a conversation she had with God that she was never suppose to have
She wrapped her 12 years of life inside that prayer as if it were Jesus after being born in a manger,
picked it up with her tsunami tears and wanted to push it back inside her
Which would have been easy
since pieces of her father greased the path

All Kierra wanted to do now was be born again
Into another family because the laughs she heard from her father bounced off the hallway walls and vibrated hers so much that her vocal cords started to tingle with the question,
'why am I daddy's little girl?'

*Copyright 2008


You see I wanted to get to know yu mentally I wanted to know yur next move b4 yu knew what to do I wanted to be the cavity in your mouth that made yur teeth rot yu see I wanted to be yur sweet tooth as yu can see I was diggin yah swagg and I remember when we met and I was like damn she badd and that I wanted to be the girl on her right arm so I got yur number and i had texted yu one day but it never occurred lt yu that I was aj the girl yu met the other day that I couldve sworn took yur breath away but it seemed like yu were brushing me aside just texting yur lil heart a way giving me one word answers that usally makes me mad but I couldn't stop thinking damn she badd and I was most def still digging yah swagg I wanted to inject yur every thought into my veins so that when yu said I thought i'd finish yur sentences I wanted to insure yu that I would be here through thick and thin til the end no matter the time place or day I wanted to insure yu that
whatever way yu did yur hair was sexy becuz I wasn't Here for yur hair but for yur beautiful glare and the way the sun shined down at yur beautiful face and how yu smiled so beautifully when I said yur name a funny way yu see that made me smile in a beautiful way yu see when yu were happy I was happy and when yu were nappy well I was straight becuz yu were a beautiful black women and I was a crazy ass mutt stuck in a daze or maybe just a faze cuz yu see I had never felt this way about a girl like you GOD DAMN girl I was crazy for yu see I'd even take a shot for no not a bullet but a shot or two cuz I hadn't fallin in love with yu so I wasn't ju yet ready to die for yu but I'd most def ride for yu shit I'd even lie for yu oh no not lie to yu but if yu got into trouble wit that law I'd have an alabi for yu damn baby I think I'd even cry for yu yur swagg was just so rad and yur smile face and body was so damn bad it's remarkable that you'd even give the
time of day cuz yu see I was looking like a bum that day a pair of old sweats plain tee and some old ass sneaks and yet there yu were wit yur new brown uggs some nice ass denims and yur hollister hoodie wit rocawear jacket GOD DAMN baby here I go again getting all hot remnising about the day we met when I got all wet...behind the ear yes I was feeling yu and I sort of kinda got tingley inside whenever I mentioned you

*Copyright 2008

Dear God

Dear GOD

Since yu gave yur only son to wash away our sins then where does the potgatory fit in

Dear GOD
If yur the only perfect one and yu sacrificed yur son to forgive our sins
Then were does the guilt trip begin

If yu dnt tithe ten percent
If yu fornicate
If yu dnt honor yur mother and father
Sin sin sin

Some of yur soliders Christians if yu may believe their goin to heaven yet they sin everyday

Their justifcations seem so odd when the sternly point the finger yes I know that I'm a sinner but surely yu must see that I am a Christian and I am save so reguardless god loves me

Why does the leader the pastor who's suppose to deliver yur word doesn't hear his own preaching doesn't practice his own teaching

If god is the only true savior then why do Allah jehovah and buddah exist why do men pray one day then slay the next then after their done their dirty work they wash their hands for yu

In the light of all failed marriages god what happens to the women who decides not to be a wife not to procreate rear a child by herself yet her sex life is great

Why do men easily yeild to temptation overwhelming enjoyin the sensation scream yur name during orgasms
Oh my god
Ohh my god
O oh.. . Ohh.hh my. . .god

Is that a sin
What if he repents then does it again

Dear god if no one can be perfect then why do we strive for perfection if everyone sins and no one ever wins does that mean close enough is good enough to enter the gates of heaven

Back to the guilt trip lord why should one worry if all one has to do is confess with their mouth and believe in their heart then wait for the day they'll see yu

Is their a back door for atheist to creep through

We were taught to believe that because of our sins that one day this world will come to and end

If that's true then

Dear god
The last question is why did life ever begin

*Copyright 2007


As i sit here listening to yu breathe im wondering if yur dreamin of me
or if yur havin a nightmare were after yu get REALLY REALLY scared i come and protect yu wondering if the dream i will have later will be of yu wondering
if when yu recited yur poem and 1+1 = someone if that someone was me
yu see i wanted to knw that if 1+1 didnt equal 2 did it equal me
and yes i knw yu wrote that poem bfore we met but i kno yuv heard of that funny lil thing called fate and how it works in its mysterious ways and yu see i believe
in fate and i believe that it lead me to yu someone who i believe is
TRULY TRULY special someon i could have an unconditional love a love so true that the orange flame buring inside the two never turned blue
yu see the way yu smiled was soooOooOoO damn lovely so i would do anything
possible to make yu smile becuz yu see i wanted yu to be mine becuz i felt as though yu could be, be the best damn thing thats ever happened to me
so now as i come to the closing of my eyes becuz yu see i didnt
plan to hang up but i was closin my eyes now and i couldnt wait til
the morning when we awoke so i could read yu my future love....breathing

*Copyright 2008

Whatever Happen to?

Whatever happen to?

Whatever happen to the good ole music
Like the jill scotts the music soulchilds or the fugees

or whatever happen to taking a long walk around the park after dark or if I wouldve knew the girl next door would have been yu yu wouldve been my sweet lady

See these young artist don't take the time to think all they worried about is baby can I buy yu a drink

All these girls out here getting loose an these niggas getting down on the ground and these young men walkin around sayin how there so hood an how they were their pants below there waist and the Neva dance when there in that place cuz yu and yur mans plannin to hate

Back in the day they weren't concerned about people hatin wasn't worried about the bar tender or girls coming frm wall to wall

Whateva happen to someone callin 911 or when yu love someone yu just dnt treat them bad do yu not realize as the richer is getting richer the poorer is getting poorer

Oh maria maria I wanna know an do all of the things yur man won't do

See even mary j was jus fine fine fine fine see at the time my mind was tellin me no but it body my body was tellin me yes girl

And what it was tellin me was that I anit no joke and how I slam the mic when Im done to make sure it's broke to make sure what I leave behind not only an applaudin crowd but a peice of my mind cuz in my mind I'll always be his lady

Fab is now sayin how much he wants yu to be his b.a.b.y the music industrie is now crazy yu got guys suffocatin cuz yur touchin them and young girls don't be scared to leave the house becuz as India Arie once said yu are not yur hair so dnt run away love becuz no one seems to like yu

And guess what lil Wayne we dnt care that yu kissed yur daddy shoot some of us kiss our daddy every damn day yu got men worried about their daughters walking around lickin a lollipop becuz of yu

Why couldn't thier music jus make it like trey songz or whatever happen to relatin to the music by Is it's genre such as rnb hip hop and rap now a days we relate to the music by the color of yur skin I feel the same as nas but only one exception that I not only think hip hop died but music itself is dead

Yu got girls that are ten out here shakin their tambourine like a pom pom when they should be out here being what they wanna be if only they worked hard at it but instead they rather jus google me baby and if yu were ever thirsty they'll make it ran over there

Why couldn't these new comers be more like neyo trey songz or raheem devaughn wait did I forget to mention lyfe jus cuz they brutha was in jail doesn't mean he can't make anotha record deal

Let's go back matter of fact let me take yu way back to the oldies like the temptations the four tops smokey Robinson gladys knight the pips the jackson five see I could go on and on naming the artist and groups but wait what about the songs

Cuz I know yu wanna leave me but I refuse to let yu go...go home cuz yu see im not done yet

R Kelly is the worlds greatest I think not whateva happen to the king of pop jus cuz his hue change yu guys decided to stop and I dnt mean all of y'all but the ones who took his picture of their wall and yeah I know how all of yu still watch thriller and how the sound of it makes yu quiver but did yu forget that yu got it yu got it bad that burning sensation which leads to my final temptaion which leads to my dedication of what music used to be

So I guess now I got yu all thinkin thinkin the same thing I was thinkin as I listen to the radio 100.3 power 99 fm yes I know exactly what yur thinkin what yur think is why does my lip gloss pop why do I chicken noodle soup wit a soda on the side and why in the HELL do my vans look like sneakers these artist and their music now a days are killing me softly with their words killin me softly

someone tell me how did she get that on those jeans wearin a size 5 knowing the whole time she reallybwears a size 9 why does his shawty have to be like mine and if she's not a 10 then she's not classifed as fine what if she's a 3 then it's obvivous she's fine in my mind cuz I took the time to make her mine and now it's driving me out of my mind that yu make me happy this yu can bet

Now dnt get me wrong I do like some new songs by yu could never go wrong wit the lyrics to this song becuz have yu ever love someone so much yu thought you'd die givin so much yu tell it seems the only way tell me what to want and I will give it to yu

So now as I come to the conclusion yes yes I know sad to say but this poem has to end the only question left is were does this music END!!!!

*Copyright 2008


I call her wolverine cuz she got x-men
Ex men dat only drove her down a dead end
I dont know her but my poem is her best friend
I help her see thru the smoke like corrective lens
*Her first luv abused her verbally; Words cut
Her baby daddy abused her physically 2 she turned tough
That old negro better not pop back and turn up
She dont like the word nigga; Not black; Curse us
*She compliment me on my looks and tell me I'm a nice guy
Both of us lonely lookin up at the night sky
Lay on my imaginary therapy chair; She might cry
I take notes on how to treat a woman and write why-
*-these gurls is turnin dykes and dont like guys
We dog em out, bring em fleas, then they be in cat fights
They scrap 4 us, clap 4 us, hold packs 4 us
Some put money on our books and even take da rap 4 us
*I call her wolverine cuz she got x-men
Some gamed em 4 sex before they left them
Braggin and not caring how their lies would affect them
Smashin and not wearing protection bringin infection
*Many gurls cheat 4 revenge, when men make mistakes
Some chicks get enraged and cut em like a steak
Some burn our clothes; Some keep the grief deep inside
Some feel trapped and turn they back when sleep at our side
*Somewhere a woman waits up; Her man at the shaky-butts
a.k.a. the strip club...Forgets his ring and slips up
He gives ya - a pretty baby and leavu feelin ugly
She whisper, 'Wit this baggage my true love doesnt want me'
*I call her wolverine cuz she got x-men
Ex men who taught her valuable lessons
She learned the abc's of love from her X's
Class dismissed; Homey don't flunk when your the one being tested

_Poetic Breed

*Copyright 2009