Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dear God

Dear GOD

Since yu gave yur only son to wash away our sins then where does the potgatory fit in

Dear GOD
If yur the only perfect one and yu sacrificed yur son to forgive our sins
Then were does the guilt trip begin

If yu dnt tithe ten percent
If yu fornicate
If yu dnt honor yur mother and father
Sin sin sin

Some of yur soliders Christians if yu may believe their goin to heaven yet they sin everyday

Their justifcations seem so odd when the sternly point the finger yes I know that I'm a sinner but surely yu must see that I am a Christian and I am save so reguardless god loves me

Why does the leader the pastor who's suppose to deliver yur word doesn't hear his own preaching doesn't practice his own teaching

If god is the only true savior then why do Allah jehovah and buddah exist why do men pray one day then slay the next then after their done their dirty work they wash their hands for yu

In the light of all failed marriages god what happens to the women who decides not to be a wife not to procreate rear a child by herself yet her sex life is great

Why do men easily yeild to temptation overwhelming enjoyin the sensation scream yur name during orgasms
Oh my god
Ohh my god
O oh.. . Ohh.hh my. . .god

Is that a sin
What if he repents then does it again

Dear god if no one can be perfect then why do we strive for perfection if everyone sins and no one ever wins does that mean close enough is good enough to enter the gates of heaven

Back to the guilt trip lord why should one worry if all one has to do is confess with their mouth and believe in their heart then wait for the day they'll see yu

Is their a back door for atheist to creep through

We were taught to believe that because of our sins that one day this world will come to and end

If that's true then

Dear god
The last question is why did life ever begin

*Copyright 2007

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